Wedge of Deception (formerly Slap Happy)
Test Drive
Team Crunch


I still have not attached the battery tray. Or the cross plate for that matter. However, I just couldn't wait to test drive the beast. I mounted a couple Victor 883 controllers to the cross plate and just dropped the cross plate in (this plate will add some major strength to the frame when attached), slipped the battery tray in on top, added a receiver and batteries with a couple big zip ties, and let 'er rip! It's sweet! It's fast, maneuverable, swift, responsive, predictable (for the most part - just need to tweak the controls a tiny bit). And it's FUN! Most of the weight is centered right over the wheels, which really helps with traction (especially with the narrow wheels that haven't been shaped, yet). I am very happy with its performance! And it's dragging the front edge! Wait 'til it's set up, right...

Here you can see the electronics. Click on the image to see an even bigger image. I am going to have to re-work the power bus, since I completely forgot to include the main power switch. D'OH! The receiver and its batteries were just strapped in for the ride -- I haven't done anything about mounting them up, permanently, yet. I am also thinking of moving the controllers closer together, since the connections to the motor leads are a bit close to the side walls. I replaced the motor mounting bolts on one side with shorter bolts (you can see the bolt on the right protruding in the close-up), so I will replace the others as well. Also in the picture, you can see the dual-channel PWM driver (in the blue heat shrink) that I made to drive the Victor controllers from the receiver.

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